Why am I Not Receiving My Verification Code from Apple?

Guide on Not Receiving Verification Code from Apple The only thing which makes the big brand Apple unique is the level of security it provides in its devices. Apple is known for the security measures it has on its devices, whether it is a Mac or an iPhone. It has enabled every possible security measure for an individual to enjoy. One of those features is the two step verification code and process for Apple. The two step verification code allows you to set up a registered phone number or an email address which will receive a One time password through which you can access your device. It is made in such a way that you can only access your Apple device after inputting the code you received on your registered phone number or email id. Just imagine in a situation like this if you face the problem i am not receiving my verification code from Apple which is furthermore not allowing you to access your device. No worries, the below mentioned points will help you with it; Not Receiving Ver...